Help us get more Greens Elected
Guildford & East Waverley Green Party, like The Green Party nationally is not supported by big business, hedge fund managers or vested interests. We have to raise all our own money to support our local campaigns and activities.
It takes £20 to print 100 Green window posters, £50 to produce a banner, £80 to print a ward newsletter and £800 to print a general election leaflet.
Every contribution, however small, helps. Working together, combining our resources, can make a vital contribution to our next electoral breakthrough. If you can donate easily by PayPal, cheque or bank transfer (see below).
Full record of our annual income and expenditure is shared with our members and the Electoral Commission.
Bank Transfer:
Guildford & Waverley Green Party
Account: 16682896
Sort code: 230580
Ref: ‘Donation’ & your name
By Cheque
Please make payable to Guildford & Waverley Green Party and send it to our treasurer at: Neil Jameson, 21 Kingfisher Walk, Ash, Surrey, GU12 6RF.
If you would rather donate some of your time that is just as helpful and equally valued, please get in touch.