Fighting for Green Spaces and Biodiversity

Steve has been Portfolio Holder for Environment & Sustainability on Waverley’s cross-party Executive since 2019.
He has worked on a number of local issues in Charterhouse Ward, including opposing inappropriate development, such as proposals by developers to build
on Green Belt land and over-ride the wishes of local neighbourhoods.
He has also been pushing Surrey County Council to reduce traffic speed on Charterhouse Road and down to 20mph in residential areas, expand walking and cycling routes and provide better public transport.
Working for local families, looking after green spaces
Clare has been keeping a close eye on the health of the young trees planted opposite the Binscombe Crescent shops, and liaises regularly with the Waverley tree officer about their care.
The sudden closure of the Busy Bees nursery on Green Lane has been a real blow for local parents, for whom the difficulty of finding affordable childcare is an added stress. She surveyed all the nurseries in Godalming and produced a report on the worsening capacity in our town.

Working to keep Godalming Green
Councillor Bob Crooks is the Green Party councillor for Holloway Ward. Apart from the casework for his ward, he has been working tirelessly for all the people of Godalming as Chair of Godalming Town Council’s Environment & Planning Committee. As Chair of the committee, he aims to ensure environmental issues are not ignored in planning decisions, and has been helping to ensure that Godalming Town Council keeps to its robust targets for reductions in its carbon footprint.