I am delighted to have been selected as The Green Party’s candidate for Witley & Milford in the coming Waverley Borough Council election.
Witley & Milford is a ward that means a great deal to me. It is a ward I have lived in, where my wife grew up, where we have family. Be it playing with my children at Witley play area, having a drink at the Dog and Pheasant, or visiting Secretts’ farm shop, it is a ward I feel part of. I am invested in its success and would be honoured to represent to represent the interests of its residents.
The distinct communities throughout the ward face different challenges, something that has been reiterated from conversations I have had with local residents. Communities in Brook and Wormley face different issues to those in Milford, as an example, and a solution for one community may create problems for another.

Yet at the heart of the issues faced by communities is a principle that residents have a right to secure housing, quality local services, and a healthy environment. These rights underpin many of the issues raised regarding developments such as Hurst Farm or concerns of the traffic along Petworth Road.
I also understand that many issues residents face are often more routine, and require a Councillor they can reliably contact. I will not only represent Witley & Milford ward’s interests at the Council but I will also be readily available to residents, either at routine surgeries or ad-hoc calls.
If elected on Thursday 4th May, I will work hard for Witley & Milford and I very much hope to have your support.