Despite the proposal twice being rejected by Surrey County Council, the government has forced through the go-ahead for UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) to drill for fossil fuels in Dunsfold. This beautiful bit of countryside is in an Area of Great Landscape Value, bordering an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Led by Green councillor Steve Williams, portfolio holder for Environment on Waverley Borough Council, the council challenged this decision in the courts. The case was heard on 2nd March 2023, and won the right to take the government to court! Steve said “This is a great outcome for the people of Waverley. Without doubt, allowing this exploration would lead to irreversible harm to our environment and to local people. Hopefully now that harm will be avoided”.
Green councillor Steve Williams speaks at the Toe2Toe protest against oil drilling in Dunsfold
Jeremy Hunt MP was more than happy to show up for a photo op at the ‘Toe2Toe’ protest at the Dunsfold site – but has so far remained silent when it actually matters. His voting record shows he generally votes against measures aimed at reducing climate change. In 2021, he voted against requiring public authorities to avert environmental damage; follow the precautionary principle; rectify environmental damage at source; and against polluters being made to pay for environmental damage they cause.
Meanwhile, Green councillors have been subject to intimidation – including an extremely spurious threat of ‘libel action‘ against Steve, which unsurprisingly has gone nowhere. We will not be intimidated, and we will not back down from protecting Dunsfold.
On 8th June 2023, the High Court heard arguments from WBC and Protect Dunsfold, including that similar recent fossil fuel proposals have rightfully been stopped due to the impacts of climate change that would result from these projects. Unfortunately the Judicial Review judgement favoured UKOG, who are now pushing to drill as fast as possible. WBC and Protect Dunsfold are appealing this ruling in the courts and will continue to fight against all new fossil fuel extraction, in line with climate science and the government’s own advisers, the Climate Change Committee.